Normal nursing glands are soft and enlarged. Diseased glands are red, hard, and painful. In general, the bitch does not act sick; the disease is confined to the mammary tissue. The bitch may be sore and discourage the pups from nursing; however.. I do not recommend allowing the puppies to nurse from the bitch as her milk will have toxins which may be harmful to the puppies. However, I do recommend expressing the milk as much as possible to help flush out the toxins.Hot packing may be helpful. Warm compressers of a soft cloth soaked in water to which Epsom salts has been added. Epsom salts help to draw out the inflammation and toxins.
Most dogs are excellent mothers and problems are few. The basic rule is to seek veterinary care if she seems to feel sick of if she ceases to care for her young. Puppies nurse until they are about six weeks old and then may be fully separated from their mother. A good age for adoption to a new home is 8 weeks or later

Written by Anne Roditis
© copyright 2007-02-20